I am CrossFit – Marco

Portrait Photography

August 4, 2013

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Photographing Marco this week was great.  He is such a gentleman and refused to let me carry any weights because I might get my dress dirty.  In a slight departure, I included a couple shots from the Vanguard side of the gym.  Marco spends a lot of time training there as well so I thought […]

I am CrossFit – Katie B

Portrait Photography

July 18, 2013

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My favorite thing about Crossfit is how it makes you feel: challenged, accomplished, defeated, improved, empowered, strong, beautiful, and weak. Those moments where you do something you haven’t done before or wasn’t sure if you could are priceless. There is always a movement or weight that you are working towards. It pushes you. I love […]

I am CrossFit – David

Portrait Photography

June 26, 2013

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David is the official Master of Propaganda for CrossFit Manassas, so I decided to let him be our next guy in the series to serve as ambassador. I love CrossFit because I feel that I get the physical activity that my body craves, while at the same time I get an outlet to challenge myself […]

I am CrossFit – Kelly

Portrait Photography

June 26, 2013

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  So, first of all, let me just mention that Kelly has five children – FIVE.  And on top of that she can also do muscle ups and beautiful butterfly pull-ups.  I pretty much want to be her when I grow up 🙂 My favorite thing about CrossFit is that I love how I feel after a wod… […]

I am CrossFit – Jody

Portrait Photography

June 14, 2013

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    At first the draw of CrossFit was only physical. I wanted to learn how to do a handstand (pushup), double unders, climb a rope, and how to do the olympic lifts. I thought I would come in, learn the skills I wanted, and then leave and go back to lifting weights (yeah I […]

I am CrossFit – Anna

Portrait Photography

May 17, 2013

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  My favorite thing about CrossFit is how “hard” is always relative. When I started four years ago, hard was doing just one push up, or just holding on to the pull up bar without my hands giving out. Now, hard for me is being so close to a muscle up that I can picture […]

I am CrossFit – Paul

Portrait Photography

May 13, 2013

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I have been getting questions (or griping) from some of the males of the species when I will start photographing men as part of my series.  I have been focusing on the women so far because I feel that CrossFit affects men and women in different ways.  Most women have issues with their bodies and […]

I am CrossFit – Kim

Portrait Photography

May 3, 2013

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As soon as I posted my very first pictures of Jamie, Kim told me that she wanted to be part part of my project.  Of course I agreed and we set up a date. The other day Kim posted something on Facebook that really caught my attention.  She said: “Today, I got a true before/after […]

I am CrossFit – Ashley C

Portrait Photography

April 18, 2013

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  I am not certain I could say I have one favorite thing about CrossFit, but if I could narrow it down to two, the first would be the goal oriented nature. CrossFit provides the opportunity to set goals on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. It provides a path to accomplishment but makes […]

I am CrossFit – Tarren

Portrait Photography

April 2, 2013

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Hello, everyone.  Meet Tarren.  Tarren was one of the first people that I met when I came to Crossfit Manassas.  She always has such a positive attitude and makes my workouts more fun.  Here’s what she has to say: My favourite thing about CrossFit is the people. It’s nice to come into a place where […]


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