October 22, 2012

Why Getting Your Wedding Published is Easier Than You Think

I wrote yesterday about the top 5 reasons that Wedding Photographers do not submit their weddings for publication.  If you missed it you can hop on over and give it a quick read HERE.

Over the next few weeks, we are going to talk about why most of those objections are not nearly as objectionable as they may seem at first blush.

Submitting each and every wedding can seem like a pretty daunting task.  If it usually takes you an hour or two to put together a submission, and you shoot 20 weddings a year, that comes out to 40 hours of work to submit those weddings!  That would mean that you would need to spend an entire week of 9-5 working non-stop to get your first round of submissions prepared.  What if not all of your weddings are accepted the first time around?  another full week of resubmissions as you gather all of the information again and re-submit.

It doesn’t have to be this way.


I think that it is a pretty safe bet that the majority of us don’t really enjoy cleaning our homes.  You probably also will admit that you have an attic, or room, or drawer of stuff somewhere in your home that you no longer need, want, or know what to do with.  You want to have a clean, organized home that is free of clutter, but the task is too big and it seems daunting.  You just don’t know where to start.

That was me, too (to be honest it still is me to some degree) but then I discovered the Fly Lady and her outlook has helped me make huge headway in leading a more organized, productive life.  Her big idea is that no matter how large the task may be, you can achieve it by implementing a system and taking baby steps.  She outlines how to break your key cleaning tasks up and do a little each day.  De-cluttering your home is done either 27 items at a time or in 15 minute increments.  Now I have a list of tasks that I perform each morning, each evening, and each week that help keep me on track.

The same approach will help you tackle wedding submissions easily and painlessly.  If you work submission prep into your workflow for each wedding it breaks up the huge task of getting all of your weddings accepted for submission into small, bite size chucks.  Think of them like snack size candy bars.  Who doesn’t love those, right?  And don’t you feel much better about eating a fun size Snickers than a King size?  Absolutely.  Smaller chunks ease the pain.

How do you go about creating a system that incorporates submission preparation into your regular workflow?


I’m glad you asked.

As a matter of fact, I happen to be writing an ebook about that very topic.  Would you like to be notified when it is ready to be released?  Put your email in the box and hit Submit.


Not sure about all that yet?  Enter your email below to keep receiving all of my furture posts on this topic.  In the coming weeks I will be covering all of those objections that we discussed yesterday and outlining ways to combat them and turn yourself into a wedding submission super star in the process.


Questions?  Suggestions?  Shoot me an email at molliet@gmail.com.



We will be in touch soon. 

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