June 4, 2015

A Day in the Life

FILED IN: personal

Have you ever daydreamed about quitting your day job to become a photographer and wondered what the day to day life of a photographer would be like?

Though I would love to say that most of my days involve travelling to glamorous locales for destination weddings and spending my days behind the lens, a lot of my time is spent in my home office collaborating with my creative team (You can meet them here).

So, allow me to take you on a guided photo tour of a typical day in my life.

You can’t be slow to wake up around our house.  As soon as I wake up the pups are on fire and starving.  They act like they never get fed and there is usually a fair amount of jumping, biting, barking, head butting or all of the above until they get to go outside.  Whenever the Kreiger monster is around (my German Shepherd puppy) you have to be on your guard at all times.

As you may have guessed, mornings can be a little hectic, with Kreiger monster jumping up and knocking over my breakfast.  Each morning I try to take about 15 minutes to catch up on blogs that I follow and drink a cup of tea, or in this case Monster, before starting my day.image4After breakfast we get to do Kreiger’s training.  We would like to get him his Schutzenhund Level One certification which is all about tracking so after I eat I go outside and walk a trail for him before coming back inside to get him suited up.  He has to follow the trail and stop and “mark” objects that he comes across in his path.image6After our tracking practice we come inside and Kreiger practices his house search.  I give him the search command and he goes from room to room clearing the house.  After he has searched the whole house successfully he gets to practice his stay command and finally have breakfast.image5 Pretty much the first thing that I do every morning, if I haven’t already done it the night before, is to write out my to do list for the day.  I try to focus on three things each day that need to be accomplished and if I finish more, that’s extra credit.
image8 Lexi napps either next to my desk or under the desk while I work in the mornings.  She is getting older and she is kinds cranky in the mornings so she likes to hide and have some “me time” away from the puppy.image11After I check emails and do boring office stuff like bookkeeping, I will package client orders or work on networking and blogging until lunch time.image10Usually around late morning Kreiger calms down enough to join the rest of us in the office.image12 I like to do my continuing education over my lunch breaks when I can.  Today this webinar was on a bit earlier so I watched it in the office.  I obviously did not clean up my desk for this photo shoot.image14I have a problem with leaving shoes everywhere I go.  I don’t usually wear shoes in the house so I take them off wherever I happen to be and then find half a dozen pairs under the furniture in the living room at the end of the week.image13Lunch time is also when I catch up on my TV watching.  My friend Blaze has been raving about Penny Dreadful so I decided to DVR an episode and give it a shot.  I have to watch scary things during the day (if I watvh them at all which I usually don’t) so that my super crazy active imagination doesn’t give me nightmares or keep me from sleeping.image17Today I am planning to do a photoshoot for the pups so that they can be added to my website so Kreiger and I went out to run some errands.  image15After we got back from errands I had to hustle to shoot the pups before it started raining.  They were, for the most part, decent subjects and cooperated reasonably well.image18I try to workout almost everyday if I can.  Today I was climbing.  Other days I will be trail running or doing CrossFit.  This picture is my engaged in a major strugglefest with my newest climbing project.  So far, I haven’t made it more than half way up the route.  I am right here about three feet off the ground.  Ugh.image16 I like to edit my photos in the evenings so I came home and worked on editing for a little while before dinner.image19After dinner Kreiger was being very “helpful” and putting the dishes in the dishwasher.  After dinner I normally cuddle the pups for a bit and then head to bed!


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